Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bliss at LAKE BAIKAL - by Katrina

I have just been lucky enough to be a participant in Ian White's latest Light Frequency Essence Workshop in Sydney over the weekend. Ian took us on an amazing journey 'around the world' sharing with us his insights and experiences in making up his latest range of vibrational Essences made all over the planet from Antarctica to Greenland, from the Amazon to Madagascar !!!

LAKE BAIKAL is an Essence that was made by Ian in Siberia.

Taking this Essence at the workshop had quite a profound effect on me and again showed me how powerful these Essences can be in transforming our lives.

From the very moment I took these drops, I felt a transformation. My energy raised and I felt joy and happiness. The tiredness of my early start 'magically' disappeared as I was also immediately reminded of the many rich and blissful parts of my life and instantly felt able to float past any obstacle life has to offer - it felt like a drug to me the effect was so potent.

After using vibrational Essences for many years, it was lovely to be reminded in such a setting of this potency and the possibilities within us that such Essences can ignite. Each of us is living a unique journey and different Essences are relevant at different times - my 'Lake Baikal' is now !!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

BLENDING with BAUHINIA - by Katrina

The healing capacity of Bush Flower Essences always surprises me ...
BAUHINIA is an Essence that helps beautifully with the surprises that life can bring ... this Essence is fabulous for helping us to accept CHANGE,
to comfortably initiate CHANGE and to adapt more easily when CHANGES are forced upon us.

I have prescribed BAUHINIA successfully for :

       - NEW MUMS adapting to the whirlwind that is their baby...
       - those that have recently MOVED house or state or country...
       - someone who has started work, changed JOBS or retired...

       - those in a new RELATIONSHIP or an old one that has changed... 
                                                                  ...the list goes on ... 
In the pharmacy setting I find BAUHINIA especially useful in Essence blends for customers who are attempting a LIFESTYLE change such getting FITTER, stopping SMOKING, or losing WEIGHT.

BAUHINIA is available in the PURIFYING blend and the TRANSITION blend or as a single Essence. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

More Mt Pinatubo - by Katrina

...a little bit more from my second week of taking the Mt Pinatubo Light Frequency Essence...realizations and things I have noticed...

General issues that have been under the surface for years and years seem to have been exposed and are demanding acknowledgement and resolution - I feel that I am being gently but very definitely guided to address certain issues...they can no longer stay where they were???

The Mt Pinatubo Essence seems to have helped me with the strength and confidence (and most importantly the strategies) needed to deal with these 'undercurrents' knowing that it is time to deal with them.

I am finding that this Essence is helping me to make a quick assessment of my individual goals on a day-to-day level and seems to be helping me to achieve these easily with minimal fuss - great for the procrastinator in me.

I feel strong and resolved in my purpose, well-assured of my path ahead and how I can best walk it !!!

...highly recommend it if you are ready...a most empowering experience...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mt Pinatubo - by Katrina

I have just started taking Ian White's latest Light Frequency Essence : Mt Pinatubo and feel that I would like to share some brief insights.

There are certain words that come to me : SERENITY, CLARITY and KNOWING amongst them. 

Mt Pinatubo seems to be literally steam-rolling me towards my goals and letting me clarify what it is that I truly want and how I can best achieve this. After taking the Essence for only a week,
it seems to have removed any doubts I have had and to have allowed me to open my mind to the possibilities that await.

I believe that this is a truly power-filled vibrational Essence and highly recommend it to those that are ready to 'fly'.

If you would like to read more about the qualities of the Mt Pinatubo Essence please visit

To find out more about the Light Frequency Essence workshops please visit                                                       

Monday, September 13, 2010

The JOY of flowers - by Katrina

GRATITUDE, JOY, LOVE, SUNSHINE, HAPPINESS...just a few of the emotions that I experienced this week when I received this lovely bunch of flowers.The truly positive emotions that flowers can create in anyone, at anytime, in any situation is quite remarkable.

It made me think about the connection between 'how a bunch of flowers makes you feel' and 'how Flower Essences can make you feel'- the universal power of the flower perhaps??? Making this connection can make it easier to understand why Flower Essences work so well - Flower Essences capture the unique vibrational healing signature of the flower into an easily accessible form.

All Flower Essences have a positive vibration and by taking the right Essence, negative thought patterns, and beliefs and health issues can be dissolved and replaced with balanced, positive and harmonious vibrational patterns.

Give flowers to someone today to make them SMILE and feel better - or give them a Flower Essence :-)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Getting to Know Me - by Maddi

Dear Diary,
I have decided that in order to prepare not only Bush Flower Essences for people who ask, but White Light and Light Frequency Essences, I had better try them out to see if they are the real thing. Now this is not something I take on readily. I prefer to be more of a text book and intuitive healer than an immersion healer. Until now I have felt apprehensive about exploring 'out there'.

Upon starting with Amazon during a winter holiday in the north of Australia I was able to enjoy the full beauty that Nature provided by the river in a National Park. I was not scared when a wild boar came to visit at teatime or that tree roots seemed to look like snakes and an eel nibbled my toes. I was intrigued that countless birds came to bathe nearby and felt this was a real fairy dell where a thin veil existed between me and the unseen. It was truly magical and in my opinion, a fantastic reality to dwell in.

So! Upon returning to my usual life of noisy kids, messy kitchens, work and taking the bin out, I have decided to embark on the White Light essences in order to reveal truth and explore my higher potential.

Starting with the Water Essence I have enjoyed a time of contemplation and preparation for the following weeks. It felt like a purification of sorts, being washed through with energy from islands in the north (Iona, Scotland) and south (Heron, Australia). I felt safety in being open to receiving and that all was going to be OK.   


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The beauty of BOTTLEBRUSH - by Katrina

I took this photo in my frontyard a little while ago and have always loved the energy that the BOTTLEBRUSH radiates. The flower itself looks like a 'cleaning' brush and this can give us indication as to how the Essence can and is used in Flower Essence practice.

The BOTTLEBRUSH essence is one that may assist people to move through major or minor life transitions with ease. It can help to give people a belief in their ability to handle a new situation and may assist in 'letting go' of the past . 
I have recommended BOTTLEBRUSH for a wide range of uses over the years in retail pharmacy.
It may be included in blends that assist with the following:
               -constipation and irritable bowel syndrome 
               -dealing with a new job or relationship
               -breaking habits such as smoking 
               -helping to cope with a new baby
          or -for customers when they experience stressful times ( might say who doesn't? )

BOTTLEBRUSH can be found in a number of the Australian Bush Flower Essence combination blends including CALM and CLEAR, ADOL essence, PURIFYING, RELATIONSHIP and TRANSITION.

Another interesting inclusion is in the TRAVEL blend. Here BOTTLEBRUSH may allow the individual to be present in their destination by releasing attachments to home.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Contemplating a possible Bush Flower Essence blend to help cope with a cold winter's day in the Highlands...maybe CHRISTMAS BELL for helping to manifest one's desired outcomes (i.e the warmth of spring), SUNSHINE WATTLE to promote optimism and acceptance of the beauty and joy in the present (it is beautiful,cold but beautiful...really), SOUTHERN CROSS to help release the victim mentality and hold a positive attitude (it won't be long now...), KAPOK BUSH for the perseverance to cope (I think I can...I know I can) and TALL MULLA MULLA to help envisage warmth and circulation...mmm I'm feeling warmer already...suggestions welcome???

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Can you think of a moment in your life when you felt completely relaxed and at ease? Personally, I immediately think of being alone on a warm day, outdoors in a national park, enjoying the rhythmic flow of a pristine river. I find the cleanliness of the air and communing with nature to be completely invigorating.

Yet the constant noise in our day to day lives can be difficult to shake off. Traffic, computers, television, huge billboards and our essential mobile phone keep us continually engaged and on guard for 'news' that we don't actually need most of the time.

Finding quiet time in such hectic lives is easily neglected. For our own wellbeing, it is something we need more often than we all practise. Opportunities to pause and reflect may include sitting on the back verandah, listening to birdsong, joining a yoga class, cycling in the park or walking the dog.

Meditation Essence provides both assistance and enhancement for one who is seeking to focus and engage in quiet time and, in my opinion, rediscover that perfect moment.

Included in this blend are essences of Bush Fuchsia, Bush Iris and Boronia which allow one to settle, focus and clear any blockages in the base chakra (trust centre) in order to awaken one's spirituality and go deeper into a personal understanding.

Red Lily and Green Spider Orchid help to connect and enhance access to the higher self, while Angelsword and Fringed Violet can provide psychic protection and healing of the aura.

Meditation Essence is an essence blend that provides an express-route from my busy mind back to the pristine riverside that I find so soulfully peaceful.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

CREATIVE BLOCKS??? - by Katrina

My recent trip to the Daintree area of Tropical North Queensland bought me into contact with the magic of the Ulysses butterfly for the first time. Watching it's brilliant blue against the green fabric of the rainforest made me think of the flashes of inspiration that turn the wheels of creativity. The Ulysses butterfly apparently has a lifespan of only 10-15 days - the need for quick and effective expression a necessity.

The CREATIVE essence bush flower blend can help you to more easily access your creative energy and express this with confidence and clarity.I recommend this blend on the pharmacy floor for a range of purposes including anything from 'writer's block' to 'fear of public speaking' to 'concern about going to a party with strangers'. Physical symptoms may also be associated with such fears and I have recommended this blend at times for something such as a 'sore throat'.

There are Essences in this blend to help 'remove inhibitions' and 'free the voice' whether it be to 'enhance singing, dancing or other artistic pursuits'. The recent 'Zumba dance craze' could present a perfect example of when to try out this blend. If a customer was concerned about their ability to go and learn to dance with their friends, they could try the CREATIVITY blend to help with their confidence and co-ordination.

If we need to create a shop window or shelf display at work, we find a single dose may be helpful to access the flow of creativity. Musicians and artists could also benefit from random or regular doses for inspiration.

In my experience the CREATIVITY blend doesn't get as much attention as some of the other blends in the range but has great potential to affect change in people's lives.. I would love to hear from anyone who has trialled this blend (or would like to try this blend) and thank you as always....


Thursday, June 24, 2010

TIME TO FOCUS - by Maddi'

Homework time at the kitchen table while I prepare dinner is what I always hoped to share with my children. I didn't quite take into account the after school tiredness, frustrations of the day, sibling rivalry and keeping track of what is on the stove. Cognis can have the effect of helping one to hone in on the job at hand and clear any outside noise. I like to call them 'homework drops'.

Recently I gave them to a child to help concentrate at school work, when it was noticed they had marked improvement at their sport coordination as well. Bush Fuchsia is one of the ingredients that works to integrate and sequence information.

An elderly woman once asked me what could help her to reduce memory loss. Although she was an avid reader and socially interactive, she was fearful of getting alzheimer's. Sundew is another of the ingredients that can heighten attention to detail and allow one to live in the present.

Whenever I need to dig deep and utilise everything I know, I love to remember the regal intense yellow of the Isopogon. It allows one to delve in and retrieve forgotten skills from way back.

I know that if it is late at night and need I to concentrate on a little extra office work or complete a task, then Cognis can help me get there.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The magic of holidays - by Katrina

The forest...the wonders of nature...the healing power of green...the cleansing of the ocean...these are all things that have been swimming around in my head for the past few days...I am on holidays and feel very grateful to be experiencing first-hand the magic of some of the Australian rainforests.

The CALM and CLEAR blend has some lovely bush flower essences that help with relaxation and turning off the busy mind, allowing you to feel at peace and letting you enjoy the moments...could we call it HOLIDAY in a bottle??????

Thursday, May 27, 2010

GREAT FEEDBACK on the TRAVEL blend - by Katrina

 A customer had been feeling lethargic and jet-lagged for a week after a long-haul flight from the UK to Australia.It was suggested that the TRAVEL blend may be of benefit - the customer took seven drops and reported that almost instantly he felt the benefits. He travels frequently across time-zones and seemed very impressed with the results - he has since bought extra bottles of TRAVEL blend as he is a frequent traveller and does not want to run out !!! 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Distracted, I recently attempted to serve pizza for dinner without an oven glove.

After racing to the sink for a fix of cold running water, I noticed that our family bottle of Solaris was on the window sill and placed seven drops under my tongue. It is an enormous relief in these type of circumstances to know that there is a chance of making that immediate pain go away and also not be nursing blisters on the hands for several days too. Just for good measure I repeated the dose and carried on with dinner time to find that I didn't need to worry about that incident again.

Solaris is a blend of the Australian Bush Flower Essences Mulla Mulla, She Oak and Spinifex. Together they help to reduce the harmful effects or fear associated with heat, fire or sun.

We use Solaris before and after a trip to the beach or a long bush walk. In the summertime a bottle stays in our car as first aid material in case we have been outdoors for too long or forgotten our sunhat or just not drunk enough water that day. It can help to rehydrate and greatly relieve the body's distress from sun damage.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Taking a walk in local nature reserves is so different now I have begun to look around to see which flowers are in bloom. My eyes open wide with delight when I spot a bush flower that I recognise. Little Flannel Flower in abundance makes me smile inside and out. It is so tiny yet how did I miss it all these years? The She Oak stands majestically on a rocky outcrop bending to the whim of the four winds. Her flower is blood red. Mountain Devil flowers pass through such a variety of stages from early bloom to perfect stance, then fading glory as they wither. I take a moment to thank them for their gift of beauty and longevity throughout the ages, determined to walk more often and stay a while longer.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I was lucky enough to attend the HAPPINESS AND IT'S CAUSES conference in the very beautiful Sydney last week...the take-home message for me was one of simplicity : enjoy our connections with others and it is these that are certain to bring us the greatest JOY !!!

Being GENEROUS with our love and SERVICE towards others and consciously steering our mindset towards POSITIVITY seemed to scored very highly in the HAPPINESS stakes !!! Definitely not rocket-science or is it??? Many of the speakers were widely accomplished scientists who have spent years studying and compiling information on the very causes and results of HAPPINESS. It is lovely to hear that what makes us feel good can also help us to be more CREATIVE, to see more POSSIBILITIES, to be more RESILIENT to adversity, to have more TRUST, negotiate with better RESOURCES and generally have a broader AWARENESS of the world around us !!!

HAPPINESS for me lies in sharing the quickly accumulating knowledge of the way in which the Australian Bush Flower Essences can help to make us all HAPPY :-)

With gratitude

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Blogging on Bush Flower Healing...welcome !!!

... I have been inspired to SHARE some day to day experiences in using the Australian Bush Flower Essences...I work at the very busy Guardian Pharmacy in Bowral and have been recommending these wonderful Bush Flower Essences to my customers for many years with great success !!!

...the capacity of the Australian Bush Flower Essences to INSPIRE, to CALM, to CHANGE, to CREATE, to MOTIVATE, to ENERGISE and to bring true JOY to those around me truly keeps me INSPIRED, CALM, EVOLVING, CREATING, MOTIVATED, ENERGISED and truly JOYFUL !!!!

...feel free to share your unique experience (as I believe that it is only through this sharing that we can discover more and more about the healing qualities of each of the Bush Flower Essences)... I look forward to learning so much more as these Bush Flower qualities are shared and our experience grows !!!

Thanking You
Bush Flower Healing

Monday, April 5, 2010

Alpine Mint Bush

This flower grows in exposed rocky sites in the alpine and sub-alpine areas of south eastern Australia. This Essence works on the mental and emotional levels. It is for people who work in healing, health administration and caring situations where there is a great deal of responsibility for other people. They give much of themselves both physically and emotionally, often listening to people in pain and need.

These care givers can be in danger of burning out or becoming disillusioned. They can reach a point of tiredness feeling their life has lost its joy. Alpine Mint Bush can revitalise and bring about in these people a renewed enthusiasm and joy in their life for what they do.

Negative Condition: • mental & emotional exhaustion • lack of joy and weight of responsibility of care givers Positive Outcome: • revitalisation • joy • renewal

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Announcing Bush Flower Healing

Greetings and welcome to the very first blog for Bush Flower Healing.

Very shortly we will be launching our web site,, a source and
meeting place for everything that you wanted to know about Australian Bush Flower Essences.

The site is an initiative of registered pharmacists and bush flower practitioners, Katrina Corney and Maddi' Parker.

We invite you to join us in exploring the extraordinary nature of Australian Flower Power and their curative properties.