Sunday, August 29, 2010

Getting to Know Me - by Maddi

Dear Diary,
I have decided that in order to prepare not only Bush Flower Essences for people who ask, but White Light and Light Frequency Essences, I had better try them out to see if they are the real thing. Now this is not something I take on readily. I prefer to be more of a text book and intuitive healer than an immersion healer. Until now I have felt apprehensive about exploring 'out there'.

Upon starting with Amazon during a winter holiday in the north of Australia I was able to enjoy the full beauty that Nature provided by the river in a National Park. I was not scared when a wild boar came to visit at teatime or that tree roots seemed to look like snakes and an eel nibbled my toes. I was intrigued that countless birds came to bathe nearby and felt this was a real fairy dell where a thin veil existed between me and the unseen. It was truly magical and in my opinion, a fantastic reality to dwell in.

So! Upon returning to my usual life of noisy kids, messy kitchens, work and taking the bin out, I have decided to embark on the White Light essences in order to reveal truth and explore my higher potential.

Starting with the Water Essence I have enjoyed a time of contemplation and preparation for the following weeks. It felt like a purification of sorts, being washed through with energy from islands in the north (Iona, Scotland) and south (Heron, Australia). I felt safety in being open to receiving and that all was going to be OK.   


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