Tuesday, November 22, 2011

An exploration of Jacaranda - by Katrina

Today I couldn't help but make special note of the 'absolute gloriousness' that is the Jacaranda tree. They are flowering at present along the Eastern Coast of Australia and as I drive around I am amazed at how the trees have spread themselves throughout districts - this is never more obvious than right now when they are resplendent in full purple bloom.

This morning I found myself watching through the misty drizzling rain as one by one, purple flower after purple flower fell from the great heights of the Jacaranda tree in the backyard. The pretty mauve blooms tend to carpet the ground thickly as they scatter from the tree creating a magical scene.

Jacaranda as a Flower Essence is for those who are 'all over the place' literally. They may dither and be scattered and be changeable. I can relate (perhaps a little too easily) to this person type who starts projects with inital enthusiam but can be easily distracted. There may be a tendency to change their mind constantly and they may have difficulty making decisions. Physically Jacaranda has been used successfully to help with gastric reflux (where the stomach acid literally doesn't know where to go).

The positive aspects that Jacaranda may bring include poise, clarity and decisiveness. It is included in the Calm and Clear blend as well as the Cognis blend - both of these blends having made a difference in such challenging conditions as Anxiety and Attention Deficit Disorder.

I find it so lovely that some of the wonderful Flower Essences we use can simply be found growing on our streets and in our gardens - allowing us to observe their cycles and connect with their qualities.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The uniqueness of being - by Katrina

I have been thinking this afternoon about our world as a jigsaw puzzle and about us as the pieces. Not that we are fragments of hard coloured cardboard with wierdly shaped edges but that we each have such unique potential and possibility which when combined can literally make the world and our society an amazing place. This boundless variety of unique qualities gives each of us our own position (and responsibility) in the making of the whole. 

It seems so important to celebrate this uniqueness yet so many of us have trouble separating ourselves out to follow our unique path. Standing true to ourselves even when the rest of the world seems to be treading differently can be a powerful way to fulfill this potential both as an individual and as a contributor to the whole. Common emotions such as fear, arrogance, rejection, guilt, intolerance, loneliness, bitterness, sadness, and apathy may force us to stagnate, withdraw and hide our uniqueness and potential.

There are certain Bush Flower Essences that may help us to break free, to climb from mediocrity, to accept ourselves and to give us the strength to listen to our own drum helping us to enrich the whole.

Five Corners : acceptance and love of self, celebrating one's beauty
Gymea Lily : to stand tall, to find what makes the heart sing and have the courage to be who you are
Illawarra Flame Tree : to help soothe feelings of rejection when feeling under-appreciated, to encourage self-reliance
Southern Cross : for personal power, to take responsibility over a victim mentality
Sturt Desert Rose : to release guilt and act with courage and conviction
Philotheca : for the often overlooked star waiting to shine
Turkey Bush : to encourage creative expression and belief in unique abilities
Tall Yellow Top : to give a sense of belonging to those who feel lonely or isolated
Slender Rice Flower : to encourage group harmony, tolerance and co-operation
Sydney Rose : the 'crowning glory' of the Essences to give a sense of unity and realise 'we are all one'.

Every single piece of the jigsaw puzzle has its place as do we.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

So what's in a Relationship? - by Maddi'

Flannel Flower
Here are ten little flowers that work together for all kinds of relationships. They can have an extraordinary effect to reingnite the flame or help dissolve anger and nit-picking, that arise over time. If a testing relationship is to continue or possibly move on, then Relationship Essence is worth exploring to help all involved.
Flower essences in Relationship include;
  1. Dagger Hakea may be utilised to dissolve resentment or bitterness towards a person.
  2. Bluebell can complement this action by opening the heart to love and sharing.
  3. Boab assists with cutting the ties from your family members that irritate or frustrate you, that perhaps you have selected subconsciously in your partner.  
  4. Bottlebrush give the ability to cope in times of change, also related to maternal issues. 
  5. Red Helmet Orchid may help manage situations with respect and consideration and also to help resolve past issues with parents/authority.
  6. Flannel Flower encourages us to enjoy touch and more communication with our partner.
  7. Bush Gardenia may help further to deepen emotional attachment and renew passion.
  8. Red Suva Frangipani has been known to help in times of great sadness when a relationship is rocky, or possibly ending.
  9. Mint Bush can be valuable in turbulent times when nothing seems clear.
  10. And finally the magnificent Wedding Bush can deepen a commitment, like marriage can.
A relationship, or partnership, is a unique and personal experience that could be primarily sexual or more focussed on companionship or warm friendship. The Relationship Combination blend contains ten individual flower essences to address various aspects of a relationship, sometimes with surprising results!
Like to try Relationship Combination? please contact us 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Remembering the simplicity - by Katrina

A pharmacy customer reminded me yesterday of the simplicity with which Flower Essences can be matched to a person's needs and the ease with which they can make a difference to a person's life. The customer had first been in about a month ago. She had described her very busy (normal?) life with the many (normal?) demands on her time. She was feeling pressurised and anxious and experiencing significant physical and emotional symptoms that may often accompany such busy-ness and pressure.
I handed her a bottle of the Calm and Clear blend and asked her to give it a try - seven drops twice a day. Not rocket science?

The same customer returned yesterday as a whole different person. She literally said she hadn't felt so well in years - she had a big relaxed smile and felt the tension had simply disappeared. Her busy life's demands hadn't changed but she just felt more able to process these demands and cope with them. Taking the Calm and Clear drops were the only thing that had changed. As she purchased her next bottle (and a bottle for a friend) she wondered with amusement how she was going to tell her doctor about the magical bottle of drops that had made such a difference to her world. 
And I remembered again why I devote so much of my time to these seemingly simple wonders of nature.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Flowing with the cycles - by Katrina

A cold Winter day, a glimmer of sunshine and my first daffodils reminding us that Spring is on the way.
I think of the rhythms and cycles of life and think of the ways in which particular Essence blends that can complement these cycles.

The Woman blend that may harmonise mood swings, energy swings and hormonal swings.
The Transition blend that may help us to shed the old and welcome the new.
The Purifying blend that may help to give us a 'spring clean'.
The Adol blend that may help to transit the changes of the teenage years with ease.
The Travel blend that may help to balance the imbalances experienced when travelling.
The Relationship blend that may help in many ways to smooth rocky relationships.

The energy of Bottlebrush is in all of these blends helping us to clear out the past, embrace our present and flow smoothly with the rhythms of life.

If you would like more info on how Flower Essences can help you welcome the Spring please contact me katrina@bushflowerhealing.com

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Just another day in the pharmacy - by Katrina

I do not remember nor can I imagine how I was able to practise wholistic care as a pharmacist before I added Bush Flower Essences to my healing kit.

Just yesterday I was able to recommend...

   Emergency for fear of flying, also for post-concussion and post-trauma.
   Space-Clearing Mist for a new home with a very strange, unsettling feeling about it.
   Calm and Clear for a baby not able to sleep.
   Dynamis and Alpine Mint Bush to revitalise a caring daughter.
   Electro for post-radiation therapy.
   She-Oak in Woman blend for a young lady trying everything to conceive.
   'Grey and Green Spiders' for nightmares.
   Transition for a dying parent.
    Space Clearing Mist and Relationship to reset boundaries and dissolve resentments after a break-up.   

My aim : to consciously and creatively complement conventional medicines with ease, safety and benefit.
My humble vision : to have Bush Flower Essences available in every pharmacy.

...then there is me taking Creative blend to find my voice and heading off to pharmacy-land again...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Calming the TURMOIL with MINT BUSH - by Katrina

Ever felt like your life has become the inside of a washing machine? You are tumbling around, experiencing chaos and confusion and just when you finally think you have reached a peaceful plateau you are thrown mercilessly into the spin cycle...

A common theme seems to be emerging in my conversations these days - more and more of us are facing challenges that are constantly upsetting the equilibrium of our lives - Mint Bush may help !!!

Mint Bush Essence is like the cooling calm after the heat of a desert storm - the flower itself looks like a protective landing strip that welcomes you, protects you and holds you safe. It has been found to have unique soothing, calming benefits in these times of intensity and may offer an ability to cope with all that is new and different.

The turmoil experienced may represent the necessary removal of obsolete belief systems as you emerge into a new level - be it spiritual or emotional. Mint Bush can offer clarity and a smoother initiation into your future and is included in the Transition and Relationship blends for this reason.

I am now most gratefully gaining more of an understanding of Mint Bush and am appreciating its unique healing qualities. If this sounds like your life of late, believe me Mint Bush may be worth a try !!!

For your very own bottle of Mint Bush magic : contact katrina@bushflowerhealing.com

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

AT DEATH'S DOOR - by Maddi'

This week I was priviledged to be welcome to the bedside of my elderly nana who was clearly ready to pass over. As I was busy preparing to leave for her place, I asked my daughter to prepare some flower essences.

Transition Combination Essence was the first that came to mind. In my own life, I use Transition Essence during times of change and I know that it helps me to embrace new experiences more easily. The Transition Essence also contains Lichen which may help assist the etheric and the physical bodies to separate in preparation for passing over. Thank goodness it hasn't helped my etheric body leave my physical, but I felt confident that, if needed, it was available as a helping hand for my nana.

Emergency Combination Essence was also prepared and I feel it was a great comfort to myself during those few days to help stay centred and focussed on such a special moment in time. Whenever I felt emotional or unable to make sense of the situation or caught amongst others' emotional outbursts, I was able to take Emergency to refocus.

Red Suva Frangipani Essence is another essence that springs to mind. It's glorious rich glossy crimson red almost looks moist with deep heart-felt sobbing, which confirms its common name in the Pacific, "Bleeding Heart Frangipani". Red Suva Frangipani Essence can be used for the enormous initial pain and sadness of the loss of a loved one. It is for a person feeling greatly disturbed or feeling torn apart by the situation.

Although nana was ailing and ready to let go, that did not take away the enormous shock when it finally happened. It is permanent. I am tremendously grateful for the special times we have had together and the recent opportunity to rub her feet and tell her that I love her and reminisce about the special memories she has left with me. Maddi'

Monday, May 2, 2011

Experiencing the Part 2 College Course in the real Australian Bush - by Katrina

Recently I had the pleasure of teaching Part 2 of the Bush Flower Essence College Course for the first time.

Fitzroy Falls turned out to be the perfect location for the weekend as it allowed us to wander in the bush at our leisure and connect with some of the actual flowers that make up the Essence range.

Mountain Devil and Sunshine Wattle were in bloom everywhere and the workshop provided a fabulous opportunity to study these flowers, their qualities and their deeper aspects in detail.

Part 2 of the College Course looks more closely at diagnosis and counselling and also provides useful tools and techniques to help with choosing the most appropriate Flower Essence formula. We will be teaching another Part 2 weekend later in the year. For further details contact katrina@bushflowerhealing.com   

I came away from the weekend feeling so lucky to be able to share this knowledge about the wonderful healing potential of the Australian Bush Flower Essences and can't help but look forward to our next courses.


Saturday, April 23, 2011


The wonderful thing about Australian Bush Flower Essences is that they work very well with animals too. Calm and Clear is an excellent combination essence to keep in the store cupboard when one's pet is feeling anxious or not themselves. We recently got an email from a client to give some... "feedback on how well ABFE works, I came home from town today only to find some of our chicks attacked by the dog.  They were in a pretty bad way when I found them. I quickly got them into the house under a warm towel and heat pillow and gave them both 6 drops of Emergency, then 2 drops every ½ hour after for the next 4 hours.  They seem to have come back from the brink and seem to be settled.  So I think they will be ok."
Thank you very much for your valued feedback about working with ABFE and animals. Maddi

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Recently I had a call from school that one of my children was fading rapidly. They were weak and tired and barely able to walk.
We got them home and into bed but it took many hours before we knew they had turned the corner and were back on the road to recovery.
They presented with intense feelings of cold and then hot. The blankets were on again, off again. They could barely keep a sip of water down and used very few words.
We were able to use mulla mulla in this case to help alleviate the fire in the body. 
Mulla mulla flower essence was made up in Palm Valley, one of the hottest parts of the country and where some of the oldest plants in Australia are found.
Mulla Mulla is for the personal recovery from the shattering experience of burns from heat or fire. This Essence reduces the negative effects of fire and the sun's rays. It is for those with a fear of fire or flames.

Mulla Mulla flower essence can give positive outcomes:
• reduces the effects of fire and the sun
• feeling comfortable with fire and heat

It is given as a dosage strength from a dropper bottle. The recommended dosage is seven drops under the tongue when required for acute situations, otherwise it would be used twice daily for 2-4 weeks for a more chronic condition or feeling. Maddi'

Thursday, March 17, 2011

LONG NIGHTS - by Maddi'

We have a very large spider on our landing that we call 'wolf'. The children are delighted to sneak in and play 'spot the spider' or to and be the first to watch it scramble up the wall out of harm's way.
The flower essence grey spider flower is of a similar size and equally can give a sense of wonder because it is partly 'creepy' looking yet fascinating also.
I have seen some positive results with grey spider flower essence when I give it to people who are not sleeping all that well. Children who have nightmares and also adults who have a disturbed sleep have told me that they are sleeping considerably better even after a single dose. 
Grey spider flower essence is used more for a feeling of terror than fear and can come on suddenly leaving a person with a very disturbed sleep and consequently more difficult tomorrow. I would give different essences for a busy mind or a stressed mind.
Flower essences are best to be taken as a 7 drop liquid dose under the tongue mornng and night for at least two weeks before a reducing the dose to the individual's need. Maddi'

Monday, February 21, 2011

...the MAGIC of roadside HERBS... - by Katrina

Driving along to work the other day it occurred to me just how many HAWTHORN berries are around at the moment in the Southern Highlands...the trees are literally full of fruit. My training as a herbalist was with the wonderful Dorothy Hall for whom HAWTHORN was a favourite - the benefits of this herb for the CARDIOVASCULAR system are many. It is always lovely to remember that many of our most useful herbs are still running wild in our towns - it is almost like they are simply calling out to be used.

Mim Beim has just released a book called "GROW your own MEDICINE" which again reminds us of the useful medicinal benefits of our everyday herbs- another wonderful resource !!

Dorothy Hall taught me and many others about the benefits of blending FLOWER ESSENCES with HERBS to provide a complete medicinal mix for the patient as a whole - treating both the physical and the emotional aspects of a patient's health. FLOWER ESSENCES can beautifully complement the qualities of our favourite HERBS and it is certainly a pleasure to work with both.

Please email me katrina@bushflowerhealing.com if you would like a consultation or further information on potential FLOWER ESSENCE combinations that can work with HAWTHORN for common CARDIOVASCULAR irregularities such as HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - remembering we as herbalists always treat the individual.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The secret powers of ABUND-essence? - by Katrina

I wondered recently whether ABUND-essence was responsible for the sale of a local house that had been on the market forever - maybe??? Out of pure desperation, the owners started taking the ABUND-essence blend and SOLD the house within weeks.

Over the years I have both heard about and personally experienced the many joys of ABUND-essence. Situations where people who start taking this blend suddenly find jobs, receive random presents, open their hearts more easily to relationships and win unexpected prizes have been reported.  

As for me I continue to enjoy observing these Essences working in their oh-so-mysterious ways...

If you would like to test out some ABUND for yourself please email me katrina@bushflowerhealing.com

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

BUSH IRIS - by Maddi'

Bush Iris is a delicate beauty. It stands close to the ground held by a strong husk and is about 4cm across. Bush Iris holds the quality of being able to enhance spiritual awareness by clearing blocks in chakras. It also holds a lot of opportunity to clear lymphatics which means that it can be used to help treat allergy or purify the body. I have used it with fringed violet and dagger hakea to get good results for hayfever. This remedy works best if taken consistently for four weeks and then may be needed less regularly. The bush iris essence is available in 25mL dropper bottles and the usual dosage is 7 drops under the tongue twice daily for all ages.

To learn more about using Australian bush flower essences for yourself, your close community or your wider community see our workshops dates.