Wednesday, May 4, 2011

AT DEATH'S DOOR - by Maddi'

This week I was priviledged to be welcome to the bedside of my elderly nana who was clearly ready to pass over. As I was busy preparing to leave for her place, I asked my daughter to prepare some flower essences.

Transition Combination Essence was the first that came to mind. In my own life, I use Transition Essence during times of change and I know that it helps me to embrace new experiences more easily. The Transition Essence also contains Lichen which may help assist the etheric and the physical bodies to separate in preparation for passing over. Thank goodness it hasn't helped my etheric body leave my physical, but I felt confident that, if needed, it was available as a helping hand for my nana.

Emergency Combination Essence was also prepared and I feel it was a great comfort to myself during those few days to help stay centred and focussed on such a special moment in time. Whenever I felt emotional or unable to make sense of the situation or caught amongst others' emotional outbursts, I was able to take Emergency to refocus.

Red Suva Frangipani Essence is another essence that springs to mind. It's glorious rich glossy crimson red almost looks moist with deep heart-felt sobbing, which confirms its common name in the Pacific, "Bleeding Heart Frangipani". Red Suva Frangipani Essence can be used for the enormous initial pain and sadness of the loss of a loved one. It is for a person feeling greatly disturbed or feeling torn apart by the situation.

Although nana was ailing and ready to let go, that did not take away the enormous shock when it finally happened. It is permanent. I am tremendously grateful for the special times we have had together and the recent opportunity to rub her feet and tell her that I love her and reminisce about the special memories she has left with me. Maddi'

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