Thursday, May 27, 2010

GREAT FEEDBACK on the TRAVEL blend - by Katrina

 A customer had been feeling lethargic and jet-lagged for a week after a long-haul flight from the UK to Australia.It was suggested that the TRAVEL blend may be of benefit - the customer took seven drops and reported that almost instantly he felt the benefits. He travels frequently across time-zones and seemed very impressed with the results - he has since bought extra bottles of TRAVEL blend as he is a frequent traveller and does not want to run out !!! 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Distracted, I recently attempted to serve pizza for dinner without an oven glove.

After racing to the sink for a fix of cold running water, I noticed that our family bottle of Solaris was on the window sill and placed seven drops under my tongue. It is an enormous relief in these type of circumstances to know that there is a chance of making that immediate pain go away and also not be nursing blisters on the hands for several days too. Just for good measure I repeated the dose and carried on with dinner time to find that I didn't need to worry about that incident again.

Solaris is a blend of the Australian Bush Flower Essences Mulla Mulla, She Oak and Spinifex. Together they help to reduce the harmful effects or fear associated with heat, fire or sun.

We use Solaris before and after a trip to the beach or a long bush walk. In the summertime a bottle stays in our car as first aid material in case we have been outdoors for too long or forgotten our sunhat or just not drunk enough water that day. It can help to rehydrate and greatly relieve the body's distress from sun damage.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Taking a walk in local nature reserves is so different now I have begun to look around to see which flowers are in bloom. My eyes open wide with delight when I spot a bush flower that I recognise. Little Flannel Flower in abundance makes me smile inside and out. It is so tiny yet how did I miss it all these years? The She Oak stands majestically on a rocky outcrop bending to the whim of the four winds. Her flower is blood red. Mountain Devil flowers pass through such a variety of stages from early bloom to perfect stance, then fading glory as they wither. I take a moment to thank them for their gift of beauty and longevity throughout the ages, determined to walk more often and stay a while longer.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I was lucky enough to attend the HAPPINESS AND IT'S CAUSES conference in the very beautiful Sydney last week...the take-home message for me was one of simplicity : enjoy our connections with others and it is these that are certain to bring us the greatest JOY !!!

Being GENEROUS with our love and SERVICE towards others and consciously steering our mindset towards POSITIVITY seemed to scored very highly in the HAPPINESS stakes !!! Definitely not rocket-science or is it??? Many of the speakers were widely accomplished scientists who have spent years studying and compiling information on the very causes and results of HAPPINESS. It is lovely to hear that what makes us feel good can also help us to be more CREATIVE, to see more POSSIBILITIES, to be more RESILIENT to adversity, to have more TRUST, negotiate with better RESOURCES and generally have a broader AWARENESS of the world around us !!!

HAPPINESS for me lies in sharing the quickly accumulating knowledge of the way in which the Australian Bush Flower Essences can help to make us all HAPPY :-)

With gratitude