Sunday, August 29, 2010

Getting to Know Me - by Maddi

Dear Diary,
I have decided that in order to prepare not only Bush Flower Essences for people who ask, but White Light and Light Frequency Essences, I had better try them out to see if they are the real thing. Now this is not something I take on readily. I prefer to be more of a text book and intuitive healer than an immersion healer. Until now I have felt apprehensive about exploring 'out there'.

Upon starting with Amazon during a winter holiday in the north of Australia I was able to enjoy the full beauty that Nature provided by the river in a National Park. I was not scared when a wild boar came to visit at teatime or that tree roots seemed to look like snakes and an eel nibbled my toes. I was intrigued that countless birds came to bathe nearby and felt this was a real fairy dell where a thin veil existed between me and the unseen. It was truly magical and in my opinion, a fantastic reality to dwell in.

So! Upon returning to my usual life of noisy kids, messy kitchens, work and taking the bin out, I have decided to embark on the White Light essences in order to reveal truth and explore my higher potential.

Starting with the Water Essence I have enjoyed a time of contemplation and preparation for the following weeks. It felt like a purification of sorts, being washed through with energy from islands in the north (Iona, Scotland) and south (Heron, Australia). I felt safety in being open to receiving and that all was going to be OK.   


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The beauty of BOTTLEBRUSH - by Katrina

I took this photo in my frontyard a little while ago and have always loved the energy that the BOTTLEBRUSH radiates. The flower itself looks like a 'cleaning' brush and this can give us indication as to how the Essence can and is used in Flower Essence practice.

The BOTTLEBRUSH essence is one that may assist people to move through major or minor life transitions with ease. It can help to give people a belief in their ability to handle a new situation and may assist in 'letting go' of the past . 
I have recommended BOTTLEBRUSH for a wide range of uses over the years in retail pharmacy.
It may be included in blends that assist with the following:
               -constipation and irritable bowel syndrome 
               -dealing with a new job or relationship
               -breaking habits such as smoking 
               -helping to cope with a new baby
          or -for customers when they experience stressful times ( might say who doesn't? )

BOTTLEBRUSH can be found in a number of the Australian Bush Flower Essence combination blends including CALM and CLEAR, ADOL essence, PURIFYING, RELATIONSHIP and TRANSITION.

Another interesting inclusion is in the TRAVEL blend. Here BOTTLEBRUSH may allow the individual to be present in their destination by releasing attachments to home.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Contemplating a possible Bush Flower Essence blend to help cope with a cold winter's day in the Highlands...maybe CHRISTMAS BELL for helping to manifest one's desired outcomes (i.e the warmth of spring), SUNSHINE WATTLE to promote optimism and acceptance of the beauty and joy in the present (it is beautiful,cold but beautiful...really), SOUTHERN CROSS to help release the victim mentality and hold a positive attitude (it won't be long now...), KAPOK BUSH for the perseverance to cope (I think I can...I know I can) and TALL MULLA MULLA to help envisage warmth and circulation...mmm I'm feeling warmer already...suggestions welcome???