Sunday, July 18, 2010


Can you think of a moment in your life when you felt completely relaxed and at ease? Personally, I immediately think of being alone on a warm day, outdoors in a national park, enjoying the rhythmic flow of a pristine river. I find the cleanliness of the air and communing with nature to be completely invigorating.

Yet the constant noise in our day to day lives can be difficult to shake off. Traffic, computers, television, huge billboards and our essential mobile phone keep us continually engaged and on guard for 'news' that we don't actually need most of the time.

Finding quiet time in such hectic lives is easily neglected. For our own wellbeing, it is something we need more often than we all practise. Opportunities to pause and reflect may include sitting on the back verandah, listening to birdsong, joining a yoga class, cycling in the park or walking the dog.

Meditation Essence provides both assistance and enhancement for one who is seeking to focus and engage in quiet time and, in my opinion, rediscover that perfect moment.

Included in this blend are essences of Bush Fuchsia, Bush Iris and Boronia which allow one to settle, focus and clear any blockages in the base chakra (trust centre) in order to awaken one's spirituality and go deeper into a personal understanding.

Red Lily and Green Spider Orchid help to connect and enhance access to the higher self, while Angelsword and Fringed Violet can provide psychic protection and healing of the aura.

Meditation Essence is an essence blend that provides an express-route from my busy mind back to the pristine riverside that I find so soulfully peaceful.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

CREATIVE BLOCKS??? - by Katrina

My recent trip to the Daintree area of Tropical North Queensland bought me into contact with the magic of the Ulysses butterfly for the first time. Watching it's brilliant blue against the green fabric of the rainforest made me think of the flashes of inspiration that turn the wheels of creativity. The Ulysses butterfly apparently has a lifespan of only 10-15 days - the need for quick and effective expression a necessity.

The CREATIVE essence bush flower blend can help you to more easily access your creative energy and express this with confidence and clarity.I recommend this blend on the pharmacy floor for a range of purposes including anything from 'writer's block' to 'fear of public speaking' to 'concern about going to a party with strangers'. Physical symptoms may also be associated with such fears and I have recommended this blend at times for something such as a 'sore throat'.

There are Essences in this blend to help 'remove inhibitions' and 'free the voice' whether it be to 'enhance singing, dancing or other artistic pursuits'. The recent 'Zumba dance craze' could present a perfect example of when to try out this blend. If a customer was concerned about their ability to go and learn to dance with their friends, they could try the CREATIVITY blend to help with their confidence and co-ordination.

If we need to create a shop window or shelf display at work, we find a single dose may be helpful to access the flow of creativity. Musicians and artists could also benefit from random or regular doses for inspiration.

In my experience the CREATIVITY blend doesn't get as much attention as some of the other blends in the range but has great potential to affect change in people's lives.. I would love to hear from anyone who has trialled this blend (or would like to try this blend) and thank you as always....