Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Distracted, I recently attempted to serve pizza for dinner without an oven glove.

After racing to the sink for a fix of cold running water, I noticed that our family bottle of Solaris was on the window sill and placed seven drops under my tongue. It is an enormous relief in these type of circumstances to know that there is a chance of making that immediate pain go away and also not be nursing blisters on the hands for several days too. Just for good measure I repeated the dose and carried on with dinner time to find that I didn't need to worry about that incident again.

Solaris is a blend of the Australian Bush Flower Essences Mulla Mulla, She Oak and Spinifex. Together they help to reduce the harmful effects or fear associated with heat, fire or sun.

We use Solaris before and after a trip to the beach or a long bush walk. In the summertime a bottle stays in our car as first aid material in case we have been outdoors for too long or forgotten our sunhat or just not drunk enough water that day. It can help to rehydrate and greatly relieve the body's distress from sun damage.