Tuesday, November 22, 2011

An exploration of Jacaranda - by Katrina

Today I couldn't help but make special note of the 'absolute gloriousness' that is the Jacaranda tree. They are flowering at present along the Eastern Coast of Australia and as I drive around I am amazed at how the trees have spread themselves throughout districts - this is never more obvious than right now when they are resplendent in full purple bloom.

This morning I found myself watching through the misty drizzling rain as one by one, purple flower after purple flower fell from the great heights of the Jacaranda tree in the backyard. The pretty mauve blooms tend to carpet the ground thickly as they scatter from the tree creating a magical scene.

Jacaranda as a Flower Essence is for those who are 'all over the place' literally. They may dither and be scattered and be changeable. I can relate (perhaps a little too easily) to this person type who starts projects with inital enthusiam but can be easily distracted. There may be a tendency to change their mind constantly and they may have difficulty making decisions. Physically Jacaranda has been used successfully to help with gastric reflux (where the stomach acid literally doesn't know where to go).

The positive aspects that Jacaranda may bring include poise, clarity and decisiveness. It is included in the Calm and Clear blend as well as the Cognis blend - both of these blends having made a difference in such challenging conditions as Anxiety and Attention Deficit Disorder.

I find it so lovely that some of the wonderful Flower Essences we use can simply be found growing on our streets and in our gardens - allowing us to observe their cycles and connect with their qualities.