Thursday, March 17, 2011

LONG NIGHTS - by Maddi'

We have a very large spider on our landing that we call 'wolf'. The children are delighted to sneak in and play 'spot the spider' or to and be the first to watch it scramble up the wall out of harm's way.
The flower essence grey spider flower is of a similar size and equally can give a sense of wonder because it is partly 'creepy' looking yet fascinating also.
I have seen some positive results with grey spider flower essence when I give it to people who are not sleeping all that well. Children who have nightmares and also adults who have a disturbed sleep have told me that they are sleeping considerably better even after a single dose. 
Grey spider flower essence is used more for a feeling of terror than fear and can come on suddenly leaving a person with a very disturbed sleep and consequently more difficult tomorrow. I would give different essences for a busy mind or a stressed mind.
Flower essences are best to be taken as a 7 drop liquid dose under the tongue mornng and night for at least two weeks before a reducing the dose to the individual's need. Maddi'