Thursday, June 24, 2010

TIME TO FOCUS - by Maddi'

Homework time at the kitchen table while I prepare dinner is what I always hoped to share with my children. I didn't quite take into account the after school tiredness, frustrations of the day, sibling rivalry and keeping track of what is on the stove. Cognis can have the effect of helping one to hone in on the job at hand and clear any outside noise. I like to call them 'homework drops'.

Recently I gave them to a child to help concentrate at school work, when it was noticed they had marked improvement at their sport coordination as well. Bush Fuchsia is one of the ingredients that works to integrate and sequence information.

An elderly woman once asked me what could help her to reduce memory loss. Although she was an avid reader and socially interactive, she was fearful of getting alzheimer's. Sundew is another of the ingredients that can heighten attention to detail and allow one to live in the present.

Whenever I need to dig deep and utilise everything I know, I love to remember the regal intense yellow of the Isopogon. It allows one to delve in and retrieve forgotten skills from way back.

I know that if it is late at night and need I to concentrate on a little extra office work or complete a task, then Cognis can help me get there.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The magic of holidays - by Katrina

The forest...the wonders of nature...the healing power of green...the cleansing of the ocean...these are all things that have been swimming around in my head for the past few days...I am on holidays and feel very grateful to be experiencing first-hand the magic of some of the Australian rainforests.

The CALM and CLEAR blend has some lovely bush flower essences that help with relaxation and turning off the busy mind, allowing you to feel at peace and letting you enjoy the moments...could we call it HOLIDAY in a bottle??????