I have to admit that travelling to Japan recently has enriched mine in a way that surprised me.
The importance of Flowers to the Japanese had somehow up until now escaped my attention.
Yes I had heard of the Cherry Blossom before my travels - my hometown of Bowral has always had them blooming every Spring - I vaguely knew that Cherry Blossoms were somehow associated with Japan. Imagine my pleasure at being immersed quite by chance it seems in such a Flower culture.
And I am not just talking of the elusive blossoming Cherry.
Finding my first Dandelion at a busy intersection in downtown Tokyo instantly made me feel at home. From then onwards throughout Japan I found Flowers everywhere looked - from Azaleas to Rhododendrons, Camelias to Violas, Irises, Tulips, Hydrangeas, Peonies, Pansies, Sweet Peas and Roses - the list goes on. Wandering into the Hiroshima Flower Festival in Golden Week was a delight.
I even caught sight of some of my favourite Bush Flowers sitting quietly in pots on busy streets - Flannel Flowers and Crowea among them.Wisteria draping itself all around just as it does here.
Throughout Japan I was reminded over and over (especially as Mother's Day was approaching) that the language of Flowers is truly universal (or global at least)...a lovely learning.