Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The uniqueness of being - by Katrina

I have been thinking this afternoon about our world as a jigsaw puzzle and about us as the pieces. Not that we are fragments of hard coloured cardboard with wierdly shaped edges but that we each have such unique potential and possibility which when combined can literally make the world and our society an amazing place. This boundless variety of unique qualities gives each of us our own position (and responsibility) in the making of the whole. 

It seems so important to celebrate this uniqueness yet so many of us have trouble separating ourselves out to follow our unique path. Standing true to ourselves even when the rest of the world seems to be treading differently can be a powerful way to fulfill this potential both as an individual and as a contributor to the whole. Common emotions such as fear, arrogance, rejection, guilt, intolerance, loneliness, bitterness, sadness, and apathy may force us to stagnate, withdraw and hide our uniqueness and potential.

There are certain Bush Flower Essences that may help us to break free, to climb from mediocrity, to accept ourselves and to give us the strength to listen to our own drum helping us to enrich the whole.

Five Corners : acceptance and love of self, celebrating one's beauty
Gymea Lily : to stand tall, to find what makes the heart sing and have the courage to be who you are
Illawarra Flame Tree : to help soothe feelings of rejection when feeling under-appreciated, to encourage self-reliance
Southern Cross : for personal power, to take responsibility over a victim mentality
Sturt Desert Rose : to release guilt and act with courage and conviction
Philotheca : for the often overlooked star waiting to shine
Turkey Bush : to encourage creative expression and belief in unique abilities
Tall Yellow Top : to give a sense of belonging to those who feel lonely or isolated
Slender Rice Flower : to encourage group harmony, tolerance and co-operation
Sydney Rose : the 'crowning glory' of the Essences to give a sense of unity and realise 'we are all one'.

Every single piece of the jigsaw puzzle has its place as do we.