Sunday, January 23, 2011

The secret powers of ABUND-essence? - by Katrina

I wondered recently whether ABUND-essence was responsible for the sale of a local house that had been on the market forever - maybe??? Out of pure desperation, the owners started taking the ABUND-essence blend and SOLD the house within weeks.

Over the years I have both heard about and personally experienced the many joys of ABUND-essence. Situations where people who start taking this blend suddenly find jobs, receive random presents, open their hearts more easily to relationships and win unexpected prizes have been reported.  

As for me I continue to enjoy observing these Essences working in their oh-so-mysterious ways...

If you would like to test out some ABUND for yourself please email me

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

BUSH IRIS - by Maddi'

Bush Iris is a delicate beauty. It stands close to the ground held by a strong husk and is about 4cm across. Bush Iris holds the quality of being able to enhance spiritual awareness by clearing blocks in chakras. It also holds a lot of opportunity to clear lymphatics which means that it can be used to help treat allergy or purify the body. I have used it with fringed violet and dagger hakea to get good results for hayfever. This remedy works best if taken consistently for four weeks and then may be needed less regularly. The bush iris essence is available in 25mL dropper bottles and the usual dosage is 7 drops under the tongue twice daily for all ages.

To learn more about using Australian bush flower essences for yourself, your close community or your wider community see our workshops dates.