Monday, November 15, 2010

BLENDING with BAUHINIA - by Katrina

The healing capacity of Bush Flower Essences always surprises me ...
BAUHINIA is an Essence that helps beautifully with the surprises that life can bring ... this Essence is fabulous for helping us to accept CHANGE,
to comfortably initiate CHANGE and to adapt more easily when CHANGES are forced upon us.

I have prescribed BAUHINIA successfully for :

       - NEW MUMS adapting to the whirlwind that is their baby...
       - those that have recently MOVED house or state or country...
       - someone who has started work, changed JOBS or retired...

       - those in a new RELATIONSHIP or an old one that has changed... 
                                                                  ...the list goes on ... 
In the pharmacy setting I find BAUHINIA especially useful in Essence blends for customers who are attempting a LIFESTYLE change such getting FITTER, stopping SMOKING, or losing WEIGHT.

BAUHINIA is available in the PURIFYING blend and the TRANSITION blend or as a single Essence.