Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Experiencing Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABFE) in a Natural Environment - by Maddi'

A fabulous road trip last year to far north Queensland and Northern Territory has provided the opportunity to actually meet the flowers that we use in our daily practice at Bush Flower Healing and in the pharmacy where Katrina and I also work. Below is an excerpt from my travels at the end of June 2012.

Based in NSW most of the time means that we are privileged to engage with Sundew, Little Flannel Flower, Mountain Devil and the majestic Waratah on a regular basis, but to camp in the savannah or desert at a northern Australian National Park and come across other ABFE flowers in situ has provided a much deeper interaction and understanding of the flower essence properties.

In Porcupine Gorge on the road to Charters Towers, Qld, I instantly recognised Rough Bluebell. It was a gentle flower with a soft lilac colour and undeniably strong central stamen that reminded me about it's essence quality to 'cut through to the point and release one's innate truth'. It was only 30cm high and the flowers faced towards the ground rather demurely. Each day we walked 1km down into a magnificent gorge where there was tremendous 'jumping rocks' into swimming holes and a stunning cliff face in the shape of a pyramid, passing Rough Bluebell on the way.

Rough Bluebell
Today at Karlu Karlu (Devils Marbles) many days drive from the gorge and about four hours north of Alice Springs, NT, I found the Rough Bluebell in a taller and drier state. It's lilac colour was much more camouflaged against the dehydrated leaves and twiggy stems but a pleasure all the same. There are plenty of unopened buds too so I look forward to returning on tomorrow's sunrise to see if the brand new flowers have blossomed.

Last week in Mount Isa, the Tall Mulla Mulla was in full bloom. Positioned vertically and chatting away merrily on the morning breeze the flowers reminded me that they encourage one to circulate and socialise. The flowers looked daintier than I expected their 10cm to be, but with a strength to stand tall all the same.

Sturt Desert Rose is abundant this winter. I have seen it in north west Queensland and along the Barkly Highway to Tennant Creek, NT. Once you get used to seeing the flowers at 130km/hour it is possible to recognise the plant itself amongst all the other greens on the roadside (taller and stringier). The Sturt Desert Rose has delicate petals and flower buds similar to a wild rose with a very faint scent. It has an ornate stamen and a striking blood red centre to remind me that its essence can be used to release shame or guilt that remains with someone like a blood stain. 

Spinifex! Once you take a walk past spinifex you will always remember the sharp sting that it's grassy ends guarantee to deliver. It cuts like fine glass and this essence can be used for fine cuts, itchy bites and rashes or sunburn. It's sting is a sharp reminder that spinifex essence can also provide insight into a person's illness. I have not seen the golden spinifex flower yet but am in awe of the tangled web that the spinifex grass creates.

As we journey towards the red centre of Australia, I look forward to visiting Kata Tjuta and meeting other desert flowers in their natural state. Given the extreme dryness of the landscape I can appreciate each plant creating such a wondrous bloom and, in turn, the gift of its' essence for emotional and physical healing for animals and humankind.    

If you would like to try any of these Australian Bush Flower Essences or have further questions, then please find us at Bush Flower Healing

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Breakthroughs with Bauhinia - by Katrina

The simplicity and complexity of Bauhinia is that it helps one to transit, accept and embrace change. I started the week off by literally parking beneath a gnarly old Bauhinia tree and thought I had better take notice.

I have found that I seem to be doing the same old things but in a newly different and improved way with renewed vitality and enthusiasm. The word breakthrough keeps coming to mind and I feel I am learning a little more about the energy of Bauhinia.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The joys of Japan - by Katrina

Travel enriches our lives - so they say.
I have to admit that travelling to Japan recently has enriched mine in a way that surprised me.

The importance of Flowers to the Japanese had somehow up until now escaped my attention.
Yes I had heard of the Cherry Blossom before my travels - my hometown of Bowral has always had them blooming every Spring - I vaguely knew that Cherry Blossoms were somehow associated with Japan. Imagine my pleasure at being immersed quite by chance it seems in such a Flower culture.
And I am not just talking of the elusive blossoming Cherry.

Finding my first Dandelion at a busy intersection in downtown Tokyo instantly made me feel at home. From then onwards throughout Japan I found Flowers everywhere looked - from Azaleas to Rhododendrons, Camelias to Violas, Irises, Tulips, Hydrangeas, Peonies, Pansies, Sweet Peas and Roses - the list goes on. Wandering into the Hiroshima Flower Festival in Golden Week was a delight.

I even caught sight of some of my favourite Bush Flowers sitting quietly in pots on busy streets - Flannel Flowers and Crowea among them.Wisteria draping itself all around just as it does here.

Throughout Japan I was reminded over and over (especially as Mother's Day was approaching) that the language of Flowers is truly universal (or global at least)...a lovely learning.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A new direction - by Katrina

Silver Princess. Silver Princess. Silver Princess.
This week I seem to be seeing Silver Princess-like eucalyptus blooms at every turn.
These striking flowers often sit high above the eyeline but draw attention easily with their bright reds and golds. They invoke energy and action and motivation.
Silver Princess is the perfect Flower Essence for people who become uncertain about their life plan or purpose. New goals can be established and new directions can be developed allowing new opportunities to arise in keeping with our true life purpose.
Silver Princess has been included in the Transition and Travel blends and may help provide a focus if people are feeling aimless and despondent and direction-less.
I see another beautiful eucalyptus blossom and wonder what awaits me - perhaps a dose of Silver Princess before dinner may help unveil the next path.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Finding Forgiveness and Flourishing with Flowers - by Katrina

Feelings on forgiveness certainly take all shapes.
Whether we have been seriously hurt by the actions of another (in one of the many many ways the so-called evolved human being can and does seriously hurt one another) or whether someone has simply stepped on our toes, the need to forgive has been preached to us throughout the ages.
Whether it be through the many many religions, our own conscience, the self-help column in the local paper, great Aunt Sally or maybe just the do-gooder sitting next to us on the bus : 'forgive forgive' preach the converted.
Easier said than done?
Maybe, maybe not...
Be cautious when you find Dagger Hakea in the bush. The sweetly-scented flowers entice you but they are surrounded by sharp barbs. As resentment builds we often bury our sharp barbs beneath a sweeter surface where they can only fester.
The Flower Essence of Dagger Hakea may help.
A very popular Essence that is used to help dissolve resentments and help one to find forgiveness especially for those who are close to them (possibly increasing in usefulness just after the festive season when family resentments seem to be running at a peak).
There are many Flower Essences in the ABFE range that may help you resolve ongoing issues with a simple dose of seven drops under the tongue twice a day. If you would like to try some of these safe and beneficial remedies please contact myself or Maddi'. 
May we all flourish with flowers in 2012 and find the forgiveness to live freely.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

An exploration of Jacaranda - by Katrina

Today I couldn't help but make special note of the 'absolute gloriousness' that is the Jacaranda tree. They are flowering at present along the Eastern Coast of Australia and as I drive around I am amazed at how the trees have spread themselves throughout districts - this is never more obvious than right now when they are resplendent in full purple bloom.

This morning I found myself watching through the misty drizzling rain as one by one, purple flower after purple flower fell from the great heights of the Jacaranda tree in the backyard. The pretty mauve blooms tend to carpet the ground thickly as they scatter from the tree creating a magical scene.

Jacaranda as a Flower Essence is for those who are 'all over the place' literally. They may dither and be scattered and be changeable. I can relate (perhaps a little too easily) to this person type who starts projects with inital enthusiam but can be easily distracted. There may be a tendency to change their mind constantly and they may have difficulty making decisions. Physically Jacaranda has been used successfully to help with gastric reflux (where the stomach acid literally doesn't know where to go).

The positive aspects that Jacaranda may bring include poise, clarity and decisiveness. It is included in the Calm and Clear blend as well as the Cognis blend - both of these blends having made a difference in such challenging conditions as Anxiety and Attention Deficit Disorder.

I find it so lovely that some of the wonderful Flower Essences we use can simply be found growing on our streets and in our gardens - allowing us to observe their cycles and connect with their qualities.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The uniqueness of being - by Katrina

I have been thinking this afternoon about our world as a jigsaw puzzle and about us as the pieces. Not that we are fragments of hard coloured cardboard with wierdly shaped edges but that we each have such unique potential and possibility which when combined can literally make the world and our society an amazing place. This boundless variety of unique qualities gives each of us our own position (and responsibility) in the making of the whole. 

It seems so important to celebrate this uniqueness yet so many of us have trouble separating ourselves out to follow our unique path. Standing true to ourselves even when the rest of the world seems to be treading differently can be a powerful way to fulfill this potential both as an individual and as a contributor to the whole. Common emotions such as fear, arrogance, rejection, guilt, intolerance, loneliness, bitterness, sadness, and apathy may force us to stagnate, withdraw and hide our uniqueness and potential.

There are certain Bush Flower Essences that may help us to break free, to climb from mediocrity, to accept ourselves and to give us the strength to listen to our own drum helping us to enrich the whole.

Five Corners : acceptance and love of self, celebrating one's beauty
Gymea Lily : to stand tall, to find what makes the heart sing and have the courage to be who you are
Illawarra Flame Tree : to help soothe feelings of rejection when feeling under-appreciated, to encourage self-reliance
Southern Cross : for personal power, to take responsibility over a victim mentality
Sturt Desert Rose : to release guilt and act with courage and conviction
Philotheca : for the often overlooked star waiting to shine
Turkey Bush : to encourage creative expression and belief in unique abilities
Tall Yellow Top : to give a sense of belonging to those who feel lonely or isolated
Slender Rice Flower : to encourage group harmony, tolerance and co-operation
Sydney Rose : the 'crowning glory' of the Essences to give a sense of unity and realise 'we are all one'.

Every single piece of the jigsaw puzzle has its place as do we.